
The 80 meter long self-propelled barge Meggy (MMSI: 244700774) was damaged on the Waal River near Weurt, Netherlands. The Meggy had struck a groyne tearing a hole in the vessel’s bow. Unable to control the flooding, the Meggy moored at a quay and requested assistance. Local fire fighters arrived on scene with a response team and fire boats. While the fire fighters placed pumps and began dewatering efforts, the 135 meter long self-propelled container barge La Terna (MMSI: 244700631) assisted by lashing straps to the Meggy to keep the vessel stable.

After the vessel is stabilized, divers will inspect the hull and see if the bow can be patched. Reports state the Meggy will required to be lightered before it will be allowed to proceed to drydock for repairs. No reports of injuries.