The 1029 dwt Passenger Ship Superferry II collided with the 5250 dwt boxship General Romulo in the waters off Lawis Ledge in Talisay City, Cebu, Philippines. The Superferry II struck the starboard quarter of the General Romulo causing damage to the hull and cargo holds. Some of the containers from the General Romulo fell overboard. The General Romulo dropped anchor while the Superferry II was able to berth at Cebu. The Superferry II had left Nasipit with 520 passengers bound for Cebu. The General Romulo had left Cagayan de Oro City bound for Cebu.
Reports state Superferry II had just resume its Palawan-Manila route on March 7, 2011 from 3 years of suspended operations. No passengers or crewmen were injured on either vessel. The Philippine Maritime Authority will inspect both vessel for seaworthiness.