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Month: March 2011

Tsunami: Kazu Maru No. 1

Tsunami: Kazu Maru No. 1

Photo by U.S. Navy (Click for larger photo)

The tug Kazu Maru No. 1 was washed ashore during the tsunami on March 11, 2011. The tug rests in debris in the town of Ofunato, Japan. No details to the condition of the vessel or if any crew was aboard during the tsunami. The vessel may be salvaged at a later date.

Kazu Maru No. 1: Built 1973, IMO 7355351

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Tsunami: Kyotoku Maru No. 81

Tsunami: Kyotoku Maru No. 81

Kyotoku Maru No. 81

The fishing vessel Kyotoku Maru No. 81 (foreground on the left)  shown being pushed ashore by the tsunami at Onahama, Iwaki, Japan.


Information on the Kyotoku Maru No. 81:

Callsign: FS2-2081

Length: 29.39 meters

Gross Tons: 80

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Missing Fishing Vessel El Cholo

Missing Fishing Vessel El Cholo

The fishing vessel El Cholo is reported missing after setting sail from Puerto Rico de Bayóvar, Peru.  The fishing vessel with 10 men may have not known of the tsunami warning.   No reports of a distress signal sent or any wreckage found.

As of March 22, 2011, no sign of the vessel has been found.

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