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Day: January 13, 2012

Fletum’s Hole

Fletum’s Hole

The 5184 dwt freighter Fletum became damaged while en route to Casablanca, Morocco from Antwerp.   The freighter’s hull had been punctured below the waterline allowing water ingress causing the vessel to develop a slight list.  The vessel headed for the nearest port to make repairs.   The Fletum dropped anchor at Portland, England before entering the harbour.   Authorities are monitoring the vessel for possible pollution being released as the Fletum was loaded with 4,800 tons of ammonium sulphate in its hold.  The Fletum spent a few hours to make repairs and was was set to continue on its voyage.  No reports of injuries.

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Katrine Krog

Katrine Krog


The 65 meter long, 1170 dwt freighter Katrine Krog went aground off Jeremie, Haiti.   The small freighter was at anchor when the anchor began to drag.   The crew was unable to start its main engine  before the vessel went aground.   The vessel suffered damage to its hull and had water ingress into the holds.   No reports of injuries.   Two weeks later, reports show the vessel waterlogged with the main deck nearly awash.   No word if any fuel was removed, but there is a strong possibility that pollution was released.

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