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Month: May 2012

Erol Senkaya

Erol Senkaya

The 74 meter long, 2772 dwt freighter Erol Senkaya capsized off Zakynthos, Greece.   The Erol Senkaya, loaded with 2200 tons of olive pits, was headed for Zakynthos when the cargo shifted causing the vessel to overturn some 10 miles offshore.   The master along with three crewmen were killed.   Six other crewmen were later saved by rescue vessels.  There is some concern that some pollution will be released from the 10 tons of fuel oil still on board the Erol Senkaya. Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident.

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The 200 meter long, 7800 dwt ro-ro ferry Mecklenburg-Vorpommern allided with a quay at Rostock, Germany.   The ferry had lost power after an engine failure causing the allision.   A tug was requested and proceeded to help moor the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern back to dock.   No reports of injuries or pollution being released.  All passengers and vehicles were safely unloaded.   The ferry was pulled from service to allow an inspection of the vessel.

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St Amant

St Amant

The 17 meter long, 57 gt fishing vessel St Amant ran aground while entering Arbroath Harbour, Scotland.  The vessel remained aground until the next high tide.  The RNLI launched a lifeboat and assisted the St Amant into the harbour.   No reports of injuries or pollution released.   Divers were scheduled to inspect the vessel for any damage from the grounding.

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