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Month: January 2012

Aristeas P

Aristeas P

The 189 meter long, 38623 dwt freighter Aristeas P went aground on the Parana River near Arroyo Seco, Argentina.  The vessel became stuck blocking all traffic in the navigation channel.    The Aristeas P was heading down river for Britain with 30,516 tons of soy products.   Initial attempts to refloat the freighter failed.   Four tugs had tried to pull the vessel free, but the vessel was firmly stuck on a bank of sand and mud.   No reports of injuries, damage or pollution being released.  The cause of the grounding was most likely due to the extreme low water level of the Parana.

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Costa Concordia – Search and Recovery

Costa Concordia – Search and Recovery

Rescue efforts continue as hope dwindles to find anymore survivors inside the grounded cruise ship Costa Concordia.   Divers used explosives to blast holes in the vessel’s hull to gain access to areas of the vessel that had not yet been searched.  Rescuers pulled five bodies making the death toll to 11.   All five (4 men and 1 woman) were wearing life jackets.   There may be another 15 to 20 people still on board the capsized vessel as the number officially missing may be more than originally assumed.

Transcript (And Translation) between the captain of the Costa Concordia and the Italian Coast Guard (from

Coast guard to captain (who has already left the ship): “Hello. This is De Falco from Livorno, am I speaking with the captain?”

Captain to Coast Guard: “Yes, good evening Captain De Falco.”

Coast Guard: “This is De Falco from Livorno, am I speaking with the captain? Please tell me your name.”

Captain: “This is captain Schettino.”

Coast Guard: “Schettino? Listen Schettino, there are people trapped on board. Now you need to go on your life boat, under the bow of the ship on the side. There is a ladder. You need to climb up the ladder and board the ship. Get on board and report to me how many people there are. Is that clear? I am recording this conversation, captain Schettino.”

Captain: “Captain, let me tell you one thing…”

Coast Guard: “Speak up!”

Captain: “The ship, at this moment…”

Coast Guard: “Captain, speak up! Shield the microphone with your hand and speak louder, clear?”

Captain: “At this moment the ship is tilted.”

Coast Guard: “I understand. Listen, there are people who are coming down the ladder on the bow. Go back in the opposite direction, get back on the ship, and tell me how many people there are and what they have on board. Clear? Tell me if there are children, women and what kind of help they need. And you tell me the number of each of these categories. Is that clear? Look, Schettino, perhaps you have saved yourself from the sea but I will make you look very bad. I will make you pay for this. Dammit!”

Captain: “Captain, please…”

Coast Guard: “There is no please about it. Go back on board. Assure me you are going back on board!”

Captain: “I am in the life boat, under the ship, I haven’t gone anywhere, I’m here.”

Coast Guard: “What are you doing?”

Captain: “I am coordinating…”

Coast Guard: “What are you coordinating there? Get on board the ship and coordinate the rescue on board. Are you refusing?”

Captain: “No, no I am not refusing.”

Coast Guard: “Are you refusing to go on board? Tell me the reason why you are not going.”

Captain: “I am not going because there is another life boat that has stopped.”

Coast Guard: “You get on board. This is an order. You need to continue the rescue. You called the evacuation, now I am in charge. You need to go on board the ship, is that clear?”

Captain: “Captain.”

Coast Guard: “Can you hear me?”

Captain: “I am going.”

Coast Guard: “Go. Call me when you are on board. My air rescue team is there. He is at the bow. Get going. There are already corpses Schettino. Move!”

Captain: “How many dead are there?”

Coast Guard: “I don’t know. One I am aware of. One I’ve heard of. You need to be telling me this. Christ!”

Captain: “But you are aware it is dark and we can’t see anything?”

Coast Guard: “And what do you want? To go back home, Schettino? It’s dark and you want to go back home? Get on the bow of the ship and tell me what can be done, how many people there are and what do they need. Now!”

Captain: “I am here with the second commander.”

Coast Guard: “Excuse me?”

Captain: “I am here with the second commander his name is…”

Coast Guard: “So both of you, get on board, both of you. What is the name of the second?”

Captain: “Dimitry.”

Coast Guard: “Dimitry who?”

Captain: “Dimitry.. ” (Unclear)

Coast Guard: “You and your second commander, go and get on board now. Is that clear?”

Captain: “Captain, I want to get on board the ship but the other life boat has stopped its engine and it is drifting and I called other rescuers.”

Coast Guard: “It’s already one hour you are telling me this. Now, get on board. Get on board! And you tell me how many people there are.”

Captain: “Okay, Captain.”

Coast Guard: “Go, right now!”

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