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Month: January 2015

Hawai‘i Aloha

Hawai‘i Aloha

Hawai‘i Aloha
Photo: YWAM

The 74 foot long sailboat Hawai‘i Aloha capsized and ran aground along the Kona coast of the Big Island of Hawaii.  The Hawai‘i Aloha, loaded with supplies for Christmas Island, headed out to sea with 5 crew after receiving a weather alert.  The sailboat was proceeding through rough seas when it was struck broadside by a series of large waves.  The sailboat rolled over twice and was demasted. The crew shot off flares before 4 of the 5  crew abandoned ship into a life raft. The flares were spotted from shore and the Hawai‘i Aloha crew were rescued.  One crew member was swept overboard during the capsizing.  The Coast Guard launched a search and rescue for the missing crew member.  The Hawai‘i Aloha is part of the YWAM, Youth With A Mission,  fleet of vessels used to provide medical, dental, education and clean water to isolated islands.

Bulk Jupiter

Bulk Jupiter

Bulk Jupiter

On December 30, the 190 meter long, 56009 dwt bulk carrier Bulk Jupiter sank off the coast of Vung Tau, Vietnam. The Bulk Jupiter had departed from Kuantan, Malaysia with 19 crew and a cargo of 46,400 tons of bauxite.  The Japanese Coast Guard and the Vietnam Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Center (Vietnam MRCC)  received a distress call from the Bulk Jupiter, but were unable to make contact with the vessel.  Authorities dispatched vessels to the scene and contacted other ships in the area to look for survivors. A tug rescued one crewman in the water while other rescue vessels found the empty lifeboats from the Bulk Jupiter.  Later searches found two bodies.  Authorities continue to search for the remaining 16 crew members.  Some reports believe the cause of the sinking was caused by the sudden lost of stability from the bauxite cargo.

Better Trans

Better Trans


The 101 meter long, 8919 dwt general cargo vessel Better Trans sank in the Philippine Sea in an area  of 19 25 N 127 40 E between Taiwan and the Philippines. The Better Trans was en route to China from Davao, Philippines when the crew found the vessel had sprung a leak.  Unable to control the flooding, the vessel sent out a distress call and abandoned ship.  All 19 crew escaped into the life rafts. Four hours later the crew were rescued.  However, only 18 men were later rescued and one man was listed as missing.  No further details reported.