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Month: January 2015

Collision off Singapore

Collision off Singapore

The 190 meter long, 57374 dwt bulk carrier Sinar Kapuas collided with the 249 meter long, 116039 dwt tanker Alyarmouk off Singapore near Pedra Branca.  The Sinar Kapuas struck the Alyarmouk resulting in some damage to the tanker’s hold and release of crude oil into the sea.  No reports of injuries on either vessel. Authorities were alerted who dispatched aircraft and anti-pollution resources to the scene.  Both vessels proceeded to a nearby safe anchorage. No details to how much oil pollution was released.

Sea Merchant

Sea Merchant

Sea Merchant
Photo: flickr

The 46 meter long, 300 dwt cargo vessel Sea Merchant capsized and sank off Batangas, Philippines. The Sea Merchant departed from Bauan en route to Antique with 20 crew and 20,000 bags of cement. As the vessel passed the Malabrigo Lighthouse near Lobo, the conditions worsen and the Sea Merchant suffered water ingress.  As the vessel flooded, the crew were ordered to abandon ship. Eleven crew were rescued by the passing cargo ship MT Mactan while eight others were picked up by the MV Divina Gracia. The Chief Engineer perished during the incident.

Collision off Neuss

Collision off Neuss


The 135 meter long, 4846 ton self-propelled barge Mejana collided with the 121 meter long self-propelled barge Montana near Neuss, Germany. The two vessels struck head-on during the night and sustained bow damage.  No reports of injuries or pollution released.  The Mejana was able to continue under its own power to Antwerp. No further details reported.