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Category: Allision




On the morning of February 17, the 54 meter long workboat Noord (MMSI: 244750831) allided on the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal near Diemen, Netherlands. The Noord‘s crane struck high voltage cables resulting in two cables falling into the canal with a third cable damaged. Authorities halted traffic along the canal while repairs could be made on the cables. Reports state the traffic on the canal resumed later in the afternoon the same day, but upwards to 50 vessels had been delayed from the incident.  No reports of injuries or pollution released.

Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident. The reason why the crane was elevated high enough to strike the cables was not disclosed.

Lila Incheon

Lila Incheon

Lila Incheon

On the afternoon of February 13, the 180 meter long, 32401 dwt bulk carrier Lila Incheon (IMO: 9571272) allided on Elbe River at Brunsbüttel, Germany. The vessel was maneuvering to berth at the port when human error caused the vessel to strike the quay wall.  The Lila Incheon sustained hull damage with a hole above the waterline, but there were no injuries, water ingress or pollution released. Authorities have detained the vessel until repairs can be completed and the vessel inspected for seaworthiness.

Queen of Capilano

Queen of Capilano

Queen of Capilano

On the morning of February 2, the 96 meter long, 2885 gt ro-ro passenger ferry Queen of Capilano (IMO: 9008354) allided in the Queen Charlotte Channel on Bowen Island, British Columbia, Canada. The Queen of Capilano was departing from Snug Cove, Bowen Island bound for West Vancouver when it slammed into multiple moored smaller vessels before striking the dock. Reports state the dock and moored vessel sustained damage, but the ferry seemed undamaged from the incident. The Queen of Capilano continued on its voyage to West Vancouver. The ferry made several other crossing before it suffered a mechanical breakdown with the propulsion system. There no reports of injuries and no pollution was released.

Queen of Capilano

Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident to determine the cause of the allision. Factors such as a mechanical breakdown or strong winds may have caused the allision.