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Category: Capsize

Tug Capsized

Tug Capsized

The 21 meter long tug En Avant 5 capsized on the Maas River near Dordrecht, Netherlands.   The tug was engaged with another tug dragging a barge when it capsized.   The 4 crewmen on board were able to jump safely into the water.   A ferry picked up the men who were taken to hospital to be checked out.   The En Avant 5 is still attached to the barge.    The cause of the capsizing is not known.   Authorities are conducting an investigation into the incident.

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Migrant Ship Sinks Off Tunisia

Migrant Ship Sinks Off Tunisia

Location map of Tunisia
Image via Wikipedia

A fishing vessel overloaded with migrants capsized 20 miles off the coast of Tunisia ‘s Kerkennah Islands.   Rescue operations conducted by Tunisian military boats were able to rescue some 570 people of the 800 reported on board.   Many of the migrants from sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia were seeking asylum and was headed for Lampedusa Island.

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Fishing Vessel Capsizes

Fishing Vessel Capsizes

The 70-foot scallop fishing vessel Atlantic Traveler capsized in pre-dawn hours at the entrance to the Manasquan Inlet, New Jersey.   The vessel were heading out to sea when a  hydraulic hose broke causing the vessel to lose  power and steering.    Adding to the difficulty, there were 10 foot waves rolling into the Inlet.   The crew sent out a  request for assistance, and luckily for the crew, the Coast Guard station was a few hundred feet away.   The Coast Guard sent out its motorized lifeboat and a tried to tow the Atlantic Traveler back into the inlet.   However, the Atlantic Traveler struck the south jetty causing the tow line to snap.   Then,  the Atlantic Traveler lost stability between the waves and the jetty and capsized sending the 3 men on board into the cold water.   The Coast Guard quickly picked up the 3 men out of the water.    There were no injuries.   However, 3,000 gallons of diesel fuel was reported to be released into the water.

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