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Category: Grounding

Nijmegen Max

Nijmegen Max

Nijmegen Max

On the night of January 6, the 110 meter long self-propelled container-barge Nijmegen Max (MMSI: 244012151) ran aground on the Maas River near Roermond, Netherlands. The Nijmegen Max was leaving Roermond when it ran up on a breakwater. The bow of the vessel remained firmly stuck while the stern still in the navigation channel. Authorities halted traffic between Linne and Roermond while the barge could be salvaged.

Reports state the Nijmegen Max was able to refloat itself the following day. No reports of injuries or pollution released. This is second accident for the Nijmegen Max within a few months. On September 11, the Nijmegen Max struck the Willems Bridge on the Nieuwe Maas River.




On the morning of December 7, the 110 meter long self-propelled barge Wiljaco-F (MMSI: 244001214)  had its attached barge sink on the Maas River near Maastricht, Netherlands. The vessels were headed to Stein from Maastricht with a cargo of limestone when the barge broke loose near the entrance to the Julianakanaal. Strong currents pulled the barge free and it drifted until it ran aground and partially sank. Part of the limestone cargo did spill overboard into the waterway. No one was injured from the incident.

Authorities halted traffic between Ternaaien to Limmel.  The 65 meter long workboat Prins 6 (MMSI:244090404) arrived on scene and begun salvage operations. The Prins 6 removed the 1400 tons of cargo of limestone and used pumps to refloat the barge later the same day. Reports state the water level was higher and there was a stronger current during the incident.



Photo: NSSR

On the early morning of January 6, the 28 meter long fishing vessel Kvalnes (IMO: 9853450) ran aground near Hellbergsøya, Norway. The Kvalnes sent out a distress call with the NSSR rescue boat Harald V dispatched to the scene. The fishing vessel was found stable, but would remain aground until the next high tide before any attempts to have it refloated. The Kvalnes did not sustain any hull damage, injuries or any pollution released.