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Category: Grounding




On November 26, the 22 meter long, 61 gt fishing vessel Samantha (MMSI: 219002838) ran aground off the island of Rømø, Denmark. The DSRS dispatched two lifeboats while the DGzRS dispatched a vessel to the scene later the same day. The lifeboats initial attempts to pull the Samantha free were unsuccessful. It would not be until the following morning on November 27 when the lifeboats were able to refloat the trawler. The Samantha was able to proceed safely to Havneby.  No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.




On November 27, the 80 meter long self-propelled barge Speranza (MMSI: 244670229) ran aground on the IJssel near Westervoort, Netherlands. The Speranza loaded with sand and gravel had stranded due to undisclosed reasons and sustained water ingress. The local fire brigade responded to the scene and used pumps to de-water the vessel.  Authorities had to halt traffic until the Speranza was refloated. The vessel later proceeded two kilometers north of the incident location where it will be inspected. Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident.

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VSG Glory

VSG Glory

VSG Glory

On the morning of November 23, the 100 meter long, 8191 dwt cargo vessel VSG Glory (IMO: 9103025) ran aground in the Red Sea off El Quseir, Egypt. The VSG Glory was en route to Port Tawfiq in Suez from Yemen with 4,000 tons of cargo. Proceeding in heavy seas and strong winds, the cargo vessel suffered a technical malfunction off El Quseir. The VGS Glory drifted until it was nearly ashore when it pilled up on a coral reef.  No reports of injuries.

The vessel sustained substantial damage with a fracture in the hull and water ingress causing the VSG Glory to sink by the stern. The engine room was reported as flooded releasing pollution in the area.  Authorities dispatched a team to the scene and placed booms and absorbent pads to contain the pollution. These booms would later separate allowing the pollution to contaminate the reef and nearby shoreline.   Reports state the coral reef had extensive damage caused by the grounding and pollution released.