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Category: Grounding

Star Liberty

Star Liberty

Star Liberty

The 55 meter long, 383 gt cargo vessel Star Liberty ran aground at Barangay, Antique, Philippines. The cargo vessel had been at anchor off Barangay since August 28 with a cargo of 28,000 bags of cement when strong winds from a southwestern monsoon caused the anchors to drag.  The crew attempted to restart the vessel’s engine, but the engine wouldn’t start as the Star Liberty was blown ashore.  The 22 crew on board were ordered to abandon ship and all were able to reach the shore, but 12 crew sustained minor injuries and were taken to hospital.  Local authorities have booms ready to deploy to contain any pollution released.  Reports state the Star Liberty could contain up to 6000 litres of diesel fuel on board.




On August 31, the 90 meter long passenger vessel Rheinenergie ran aground on the Rhine near Cologne, Germany. The vessel was maneuvering when it touched bottom.  Several passengers on board were thrown off their feet or landed awkwardly on the deck. Six were taken to hospital for injuries. Reports state the low water levels on the Rhine were the cause of the grounding.  Authorities inspected the vessel the following day and went back into service.  No reports of damage or pollution released.




The 36 meter long, 107 dwt ro-ro passenger ferry Femøsund ran aground at Femø, Denmark. The ferry was approaching the ferry terminal at Femø when the vessel suffered a steering malfunction.  Unable to control the propellers, the master of the Femøsund maneuvered the ferry away from the quay at Femø, but ran aground near by. No reports of injuries to the 7 passengers and 2 crew on board. Everyone on board had to wait a few hours until a search and rescue boat arrived on scene.  A tug was also dispatched to pull the Femøsund free. The ferry will undergo repairs and be inspected before going back into service.