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Category: Grounding




The 73 meter long self-propelled barge Emri ran aground on the Bol near Breskens, Netherlands. The Emri had departed from Terneuzen with a  cargo of sands when it touched bottom.  The crew was unable to refloat the vessel and requested assistance. Two tugs along with a KNRM lifeboat arrived on scene and assisted in pulling the Emri free an hour later.  The Emri was escorted back to Terneuzen to be inspected.  No reports of injuries or pollution released.

Pacific Quest

Pacific Quest

Pacific Quest
Photo: uscg

On August 11, the 56 foot long fishing vessel Pacific Quest ran aground in Monterey Bay near Santa Cruz in the Natural Bridges State Park, California.  The vessel had run ashore during the earlier morning hours at low tide.  The captain who was the sole person on board abandoned ship and walk up the beach to safety.  The captain had alerted the Coast Guard and attempting to arrange a tug to pull the Pacific Quest free. 

An inspection found the fishing vessel had sustained too much hull damage and could not be pulled off the beach.  The Coast Guard is monitoring the situation as the vessel owners have arranged to remove the fuel off the vessel. 


Reports state the Pacific Quest has partially broken up on the beach.  The Pacific Quest had some 1200 gallons of diesel fuel on board at the time of the incident. Authorities state some 200 gallons of diesel is known to leak out onto the beach and into the water.

Amur 2507

Amur 2507

Amur 2507

The 115 meter long, 3340 dwt cargo vessel Amur 2507 ran aground on the Don River near Shmat, Russia.  The Amur 2507 was en route to Samsun, Turkey from Rostov-on-Don with a cargo of wheat when it grounded on the river.  Tugs were dispatched to the scene, but were unable to refloat the cargo vessel.  Indications suggest the Amur 2507 will need to be lightered before it can be refloated.  No reports of injuries or pollution released.