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Category: Grounding

Langeland 1

Langeland 1

Langeland 1

The 20 meter long former fishing vessel Langeland 1 ran aground near Wischafen, Germany.  The Langeland 1 was headed to Hamburg from Kiel when it grounded on the receding tide.  After the grounding, the vessel suffered a list and nearly capsized.  Authorities were alerted and secured the vessel with lines to keep it upright while booms were placed around the hull in case of any pollution released. 

Later on the incoming tide, the Langeland 1 suffered water ingress which had to be controlled by additional dewatering pumps.  With the rising tide, authorities were able to refloat the Langeland 1 and tow it to a berth in Wischafen. 

Trias Obelix

Trias Obelix

Trias Obelix

The 160 meter long self-propelled barge Trias Obelix ran aground on the Waal River near Nijmegen, Netherlands. The Trias Obelix had struck bottom to the low water level of the river.  When the vessel attempted to free itself, the river current pulled the barge perpendicular to the river.  The crew was able to drop anchor and turn the vessel around .  No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.

Christiane Deymann I

Christiane Deymann I

Christiane Deymann I

On July 10, the 112 meter long self-propelled barge Christiane Deymann I and the barge Christiane Deymann II  ran aground on the Rhine near Diehl, Germany. The vessels were en route to Mülheim from Kehl with a cargo of steel coils.  Near Diehl, the vessels moved out the fairway to allow another vessel to pass and went aground in shallow water.  The water police was alerted and alerted nearby ship traffic to reduce speed.  Initial attempts to refloat the Christiane Deymann I and II were unsuccessful.  The following day another barge arrived on scene and lightered the Christiane Deymann II which was refloated.  On July 12, the Christiane Deymann I was refloated after 600 tons of steel coils were lightered.  No reports of injuries or pollution released.