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Category: Ice




The 113 meter long, 3260 dwt freighter Aspro went aground in the Azov Sea near Eysk, Russia.  The Aspro was pushed out of the navigation channel by ice flows before it grounded.  No reports of injuries or pollution released.  The vessel was still reported aground five days after the grounding.


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The 158 meter long, 19414 self-unloading bulk freighter Alpena became trapped in Ice in Green Bay, Lake Michigan.  The Alpena had stopped during the night when it encountered thick ice.   The freighter became trapped as the ice and water around the vessel refroze.   Two Coast Guard Cutters arrived the following day and freed the Alpena.   The Cutters began ice breaking operations in the southern section of Green Bay.   No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.

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