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Category: Pollution

Putri Sea

Putri Sea

The 46 meter long tanker Putri Sea sank with all hands in the Singapore Strait near Johor, Malaysia. Authorities were first alerted when the tanker’s agent could not contact the vessel. The Putri Sea had been last reported proceeding with six crew and a cargo of crude oil off  Johor.

Authorities launched a search and rescue operation. A patrol vessel from Tanjung Sedili arrived 4.6 miles off Tangjung Pengelih.  Multiple patrol vessels began a search of the area as it was near the last reported position of the tanker. The search did not find the Putri Sea. However, searchers did find a recent oil spill in the water. Authorities believe the oil spill is from the Putri Sea. The six crew of the Putri Sea are reported as missing.

Some reports speculate the tanker had suffered an explosion and fire before sinking. However, there is no official confirmation of the cause to the loss of the Putri Sea. No details reported if authorities will conduct further investigation into the incident.

Ibis Update

Ibis Update


On June 7, reports state the dredge Ibis has released pollution into the waters off Ullal,  India.  The dredge has been slowly sinking by the stern when a fuel tank was punctured by a large rock.  There is a strong odor of diesel fuel in the air. Locals report other debris has  also begun washing onto the beach.


Authorities had stated a team of experts were supposed to be at the wreck site by June 4, but did not arrive until the next day.


Another report states that authorities had been instructed to remove fuel and oil off the Ibis, but could not be attempted due to weather and rough seas. Thus, no fuel or oil has been removed from the dredge.




The 68 meter long, 2323 dwt cargo vessel Fortuner sank off Talisay City, Cebu, Philippines. The Fortuner was carrying a cargo of steel bars when if suffered structural failure and developed a crack amidships. The vessel pumps were no use  as the water ingress quickly flooded the holds. The crew alerted authorities and were able to evacuate the ship. All 22 crew were later rescued by the nearby MTUG 38. The cargo vessel sank sank 2 hours later. The Fortuner rests in 30 meters under the surface some 2.2 kilometers from shore.

Authorities report spotting a 25 meter oil sheen on the surface. The Coast Guard deployed an oil boom around the spill and will monitor the area for any additional pollution released. The Fortuner had some 4000 liters of fuel on board at the time of the sinking.