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Category: Sank

KMP Bandeng

KMP Bandeng

KMP Bandeng

On August 15, the ro-ro passenger ferry KMP Bandeng sank in the Molucca Sea near Maju, Indonesia. The ferry had departed on the evening of August 14th from Tobelo bound for Bitung on North Sulawesi with 24 passengers and 18 crew along with 12 vehicles on board.  Several hours into the voyage the ferry contacted authorities.  The captain was concerned as the ferry was proceeding in deteriorating weather and decided to turn back to Tobelo.   

Authorities lost contact with the ferry a short time later.  Unknown to them, the KMP Bandeng had lost power.  The ferry’s main engine had failed and now the vessel was adrift in bad weather.  With swells reaching two to three meters, the KMP Bangdeng suffered water ingress while no power for the vessel’s pumps.  A passenger’s phone was able to contact authorities and alerted them that the vessel was in danger of foundering.  The order to abandon ship was given and 18 passengers and crew went into the vessel’s 3 life rafts.  Another 17 persons on board would be rescued by local fishermen who came to the aid of the KMP Bandeng.  Five people including the captain of the KMP Bandeng were reported as missing.  

Authorities dispatched search and rescue vessel to the scene and brought all survivors back to North Maluku Island.  Many were taken to hospital for treated for minor injuries or dehydration.


George H. Ledcor

George H. Ledcor

George H. Ledcor

On August 14, the 18 meter long tugboat George H. Ledcor sank on the Fraser River between Vancouver and Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. The tug was towing a gravel barge when it suddenly capsized and sank. The four crew on board were thrown into the water and later rescued by a nearby tug.  No reports of injuries.

A sheen was spotted over the sunken tug as diesel fuel is released. Authorities place booms around the wreck site and divers are dispatched to plug fuel vents on the tugboat. Reports state the George H. Ledcor had nearly 22,000 litres of fuel on board at the time of the sinking. 

A crane barge was dispatched to raise the George H. Ledcor from the bottom. The Canadian Coast Guard has launched an investigation into the incident.


Hai Ha 38

Hai Ha 38

Hai Ha 38

On August 11, the 70 meter long cargo vessel Hai Ha 38 sank in the South China Sea near Da Nang, Vietnam. The Hai Ha 38 departed from Quang Ninh to Can Tho with a cargo of 1600 tons of bricks.  The Hai Ha 38 proceeded into strong winds caused by a nearby tropical depression when it suffered a cargo shift.  The cargo of bricks shifted and the cargo vessel developed a 40 degrees list to starboard.  With the Hai Ha 38 in danger of capsizing and sinking, the crew sent out a distress call and requested assistance.  

Hai Ha 38

Vietnamese authorities dispatched two search and rescue boats to the scene.  Rescuers arrived a short time later and rescued all 11 crew members. One crewman jumped into the sea after panicking, but he was later recovered.  No reports of injuries.