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Category: Sank




The 16 meter long fishing vessel Jubilee sank off the coast of Canterbury, New Zealand. The three-man crew had contacted authorities that the vessel was in trouble and the crew was going to abandon ship into the vessel’s life raft.  A search and rescue operation was launched with two Coast Guard vessels, three commercial and several aircraft.  Search efforts were able to find the sunken Jubilee on the seabed in 40 meters of water roughly 20 kilometers off the coast.  Searchers also found the Jubilee’s life raft, but it was empty.  Search for the three missing crewmen was still going on.  The cause of the sinking was not known, but reports state there was bad weather in the area with large waves and strong winds reaching up to 70 kmh.  Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident.




The 120 meter long, 6,449 dwt livestock carrier Haidar capsized while berthed  at Barcarena, Para, Brazil. The Haidar was loaded with some 5,000 cattle and was preparing to depart for Venezuela when it lost stability when it suffered water ingress.  The livestock carrier capsized and eventually sank onto its port side.  No reports of injuries, but thousands of cattle were trapped on board and perished.  A small number of cattle were fortunately enough to escape and were able to rush onto the side of the vessel.  The local port authority has launched an investigation into the incident.

Collision off Zeebrugge

Collision off Zeebrugge



The 129 meter long, 8,850 dwt cargo vessel Flinterstar collided with the 315 meter long 122,079 dwt LNG tanker Al Oraiq in the North Sea off the coast of Zeebrugge, Belgium.  The Flinterstar was en route to Bilbao, Spain from Antwerp when it was struck by the Al-Oraiq which was bound for Zeebrugge. The Al-Oraiq suffered a slight gash and suffered some water ingress, but was able to proceed with assistance to Zeebrugge.  The Flinterstar sustained significant damage with uncontrolled water ingress.  The 11 crew on the Flinterstar went overboard into the sea and were all later rescued. The master of the Flinterstar and one crewman sustained slight injuries.  The flooding continued on the Flinterstar until it partially sank with part of the hull sitting on a sandbar.  Authorities reported that a sheen of oil was spotted around the vessel.