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Category: Sank

Fort Azov

Fort Azov

Fort Azov

On February 18, the 114 meter long, 3261 dwt general cargo vessel Fort Azov sank in the Black Sea near Ayancik, Sinop, Turkey. The Fort Azov was en route from Varna with 3,000 tons of wood when it suffered a cargo shift in bad weather. Reports state the bad weather had caused some deck cargo to wash over board causing the vessel to develop a heavy list to port. The vessel requested assistance before abandoning ship into the vessel’s life rafts. The Turkish Coastguard arrived on scene and safely rescued the 12 crew. The following night the Fort Azov sank. Reports state vessel had frequented to Kerch in the Crimean.




On February 21, the tug Tiger sank during the early morning hours at its berth in Sölvesborg, Sweden.  The unmanned tug was discovered to have sunk to the bottom under 5 meters of water leaving only the top of the mast on the surface.  Authorities were alerted and dispatched vessels to the scene.  Booms were placed around the Tiger to contain the diesel fuel spill.  Divers were sent down and closed the vents to prevent further pollution. The Swedish Coast Guard has launched an investigation into the incident. No reports of injuries.

Kerem S

Kerem S

Kerem S

On February 20, the 75 meter long general cargo vessel Kerem S ran aground in the Aegean Sea on the island of Levitha, Greece.  The Kerem S was en route to Aliaga from Heraklion in ballast when it had become disabled between Kos and Paros. The crew requested to be evacuated as the vessel drifted towards the rocky coastline.  A helicopter was dispatched from Greek authorities and were able to hoist all 6 crew to safety.  No reports of injuries.  The Kerem S continued to drift until it went ashore on the northeastern tip of Levitha.  The vessel sustained hull damage and water ingress causing the cargo vessel to list to starboard and sink by the stern.