

The 35 meter long dredger Strekker caught fire while at Eemshaven, Netherlands.  The crew requested assistance with a KNRM lifeboat and the local fire brigade responding. With their assistance, the fire was quickly extinguished.  No reports of injuries or pollution released.



The 25 meter long passenger ship Eilun allided with a quay on Amrum island at Wittdün, Germany.  The vessel had suffered a technical failure as it was entering port.   On board were 120 children with 30 suffering injuries when thrown onto the deck from the impact.  Fifteen were taken to the mainland by lifeboat or by helicopter to hospital for treatment.

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Wealthy Grace

Wealthy Grace

The 62 meter long, 866 dwt freighter Wealthy Grace went aground in Amurskiy Bay, Japan Sea.   The small freighter had departed from Vladivostok, Russia with 625 tons of cargo bound for Masan, South Korea when it ran aground into shallow waters.   No reports of injuries, water ingress and no pollution was released.   The Wealthy Grace did suffer a small list to starboard.   Refloating attempts will be made when weather permits.   Reports state the watch officer had fallen asleep causing the accident.

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