Tranquillity BF7

Tranquillity BF7

Tranquility BF 7

The 18 meter long fishing vessel Tranquility BF 7 suffered water ingress in the North Sea off Unst, Shetland. The crew discovered the vessel had flooding via its fish hold and sent out a distress call requesting assistance. Two lifeboats with a coastguard helicopter were dispatched to the scene. The helicopter dropped a dewatering pump to the Tranquility which was able to bring the flooding under control. The lifeboats escorted the Tranquility back to port. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.





The 110 meter long self-propelled barge Martcilino ran aground on the Western Scheldt near Bath, Netherlands. The Martcilino had passed Bath when it stranded. Authorities were alerted and dispatched patrol vessels and tugs to the scene. The tugs were able to pull the barge free an hour later, but the Martcilino could no longer proceed under its own power. Tugs towed the Martcilino back to Antwerp. No reports of injuries or pollution released.

Lian Hang 7

Lian Hang 7

Lian Hang 7

On May 30, the 104 meter long cargo vessel Lian Hang 7 sank in the East China Sea off Ningbo, China. The Lian Hang 7 was en route to Zhoushan from Fujian when it suffered hull failure 10 miles off Ningbo. The vessel’s pumps were unable to control the water ingress and the vessel quickly flooded. The crew alerted authorities the vessel was in danger of foundering and needed assistance. Chinese authorities dispatched a rescue boat to the scene. Authorities were able to rescue 13 of the 14 crew on board. One crewman was missing and presumed trapped as the Lian Hang 7 sank until only part of the superstructure remained above the water.

Reports state the area had been impacted by a cyclone, but it was not a factor in the incident.  No further details reported.