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Tag: Allision

Northern Star

Northern Star

The 33 meter long passenger ferry Northern Star allided with a pier just outside the terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.  The Northern Star with 136 passengers was on its way to the ferry terminal Sha Tsui ferry terminal when it suffered some mechanical failure.  The failure caused the ferry to veer off course and hit a the pier before crashing onto the shoreline.  The impact caused many of the passengers and crew to be knocked off their feet.  Seven crew suffered injuries, but all passengers were unharmed. The Northern Star had to be towed from the scene to the ferry terminal.  The pier sustained damage to several pillars.

Jeffrey G

Jeffrey G

Jeffrey G

The 155 foot long towboat Jeffrey G with its string of 30 barges allided with the old bridge over the Mississippi River at Viscksburg, Mississippi.  The Jeffrey G was heading downriver when it struck the bridge with several barges breaking free.  One barge loaded with grain sank while several other barges floated downriver.  Other towboats were able to recover the barges that broke free.  No reports of injuries. Reports state the barges did not contain any hazardous materials.  The Coast Guard has launched an investigation into the incident.




On May 2, the 188 meter long, 7885 dwt ro-ro passenger ferry Finnfellow allided with a quay at Långnäs, Åland Islands. The Finnfellow damaged a fender which broke off and sank in the harbour. No reports of injuries or pollution released from the ferry.  The port of Långnäs was closed to traffic for several hours until the fender could be pulled out of the sea.