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Tag: Arklow Resolve

Arklow Resolve

Arklow Resolve

Arklow Resolve

The 90 meter long, 4868 dwt cargo vessel Arklow Resolve became disabled off Marstrand, Sweden. The cargo vessel was bound for Sevilla from Gothenburg when it suffered engine failure.  Unable to make repairs, the Arklow Resolve went adrift in heavy sea with waves reaching 4 meters in height.  Authorities were alerted and dispatched two patrol boats to the scene.  The patrol boats took the Arklow Resolve under tow and proceeded to Dana Fjord near Gothenburg.  There the cargo vessel dropped anchor where it will undergo repairs to the main engine.  No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.

Arklow Resolve Aground

Arklow Resolve Aground

The 4530 dwt freighter Arklow Resolve went aground near Vordingborg, Denmark.   A tug was requested as the Arklow Resolve was not able to refloat itself.   The Arklow Resolve was heading to Spain with a cargo of grain before it went aground.  Reports state there was no pollution released.