Princess Marseilles

The 76 meter long service supply vessel Princess Marseilles struck the 260 meter long, 6,500 dwt passenger cruise ship Mein Schiff 1 in the port of Bergen, Norway. The Princess Marseilles was attempted to moor by backing into the port, but the vessel suffered a technical fault and the thrusters could not be stopped. The stern of the Princess Marseilles struck into the bow of the Mein Schiff 1. The Mein Schiff 1 sustained minimal damage, but the Princess Marseilles sustained some damage. Passengers reported a big bang and black smoke when the two vessels struck. The Mein Schiff 1 had scratches along its bow around 8 meters above the waterline. No reports of injuries. Reports state the Mein Schiff 1 will depart as planned and there were no delays due to the the collision. The Princess Marseilles was later towed to Jekteviken.