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Tag: Brunsbüttel

Black Watch

Black Watch

Black Watch

The 205 meter long, 5656 dwt passenger ship Black Watch allided with the jetty on the Elbe at Brunsbüttel, Germany. The Black Watch was en route to Copenhagen from Hamburg as it approached the Kiel Canal locks and struck the jetty. The cruise ship demolished one dolphin with its bow, but the vessel suffered only minor scratches. No reports of injuries or pollution released. The Black Watch remained detained until the incident could be investigated. Reports state the vessel was allowed to proceed on its voyage later the same day.

Yeoman Bridge

Yeoman Bridge

The 249 meter long self-unloading bulk carrier Yeoman Bridge allided with the 249 meter long tanker Peary Spirit on the Elbe at Brunsbüttel, Germany. The Yeoman Bridge was doing a manoever when it struck into the starboard side of  the berthed Peary Spirit. The tanker sustained a large breach over 25 meters wide above the waterline. No reports of injuries and no pollution was released. Reports state the tanker had been unloading gas at the time, but unloading operations were halted after the allision.

Kiel Canal Collision

Kiel Canal Collision

The 108 meter long, 6175 dwt tanker Coral Lophelia collided with the 90 meter long, 4516 dwt cargo vessel Karmel in the Brunsbuettel lock, Kiel Canal, Germany. Both vessels were proceeding towards Kiel when they touched.  Both vessels sustained only slight damage and were able to proceed under their own power. Authorities detained both vessels in Kiel for surveys. No reports of injuries or pollution released.