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Tag: Brunsbüttel

Nordic Porto

Nordic Porto

Nordic Porto

On the morning of November 16, the 158 meter long, 14230 dwt container ship Nordic Porto (IMO:9448671) allided with southern lock on the Kiel Canal at Brunsbüttel, Germany.  The Nordic Porto was headed to Gdynia from Wilhelmshaven when it struck the vertical stabilizer on the southern lock and destroyed several nearby dolphins. Authorities had close the southern lock until the area was clear of debris. There was only slight damage to the Nordic Porto with extensive paint scrapes. There were no injuries and no pollution was released. Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident. Reports state the southern lock had just reopened when this incident occurred.






Just after midnight on January 2, the 88 meter long, 3785 dwt cargo vessel Madicken (IMO: 9195755) allided with the lock gate on the Kiel Canal at Brunsbüttel, Germany. The Madicken was proceeding from Hamburg to Klaipeda when it suffered engine failure at the entrance to the north lock. The vessel attempted to drop anchor as part of emergency measures, but the Madicken still struck the lock gate. The lock gate was sustained a 9 meter wide dent with parts stoved-in a full 2 meters. Reports state the lock chamber floor may also be damaged from the vessel’s anchor. There were no injuries.

The Madicken only sustained minor damage and proceeded out of the lock and moored nearby.  Authorities detained the cargo vessel until it could be inspected further.  Traffic through the north lock was halted as could no longer be used and will be out of service for some considerable time. The incident is under investigation.

Wilson Caen

Wilson Caen

Wilson Caen

On the early morning of November 18, the 100 meter long, 4451 dwt cargo vessel Wilson Caen (IMO: 9173290) allided on the Elbe River with the mole at the entrance to the Brunsbüttel lock. The Wilson Caen loaded with 2,824 tons of Abfällen from Napoli, Italy bound for Loviisa, Finland.  As the vessel approached the lock, the rudder failed and the Wilson Caen struck the bank fortification.  The cargo vessel sustained a visible large scrape (about 11 meters in length) while a dolphin was smashed in front of the mole. There was no reports of injuries or pollution released.

Authorities detained the Wilson Caen at Brunsbüttel until it could be inspected for seaworthiness. The incident is under investigation.

This isn’t the first incident with the Wilson Caen. The vessel allided in 2012 after engine failure.