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Tag: Brunsbüttel

St. Johannes

St. Johannes

St Johannes

On September 11, the 56 meter long ferry St. Johannes allided with lock to the Kiel Canal at Brunsbüttel, Germany. The ferry had entered the old lock at Brunsbüttel when it struck a railing damaging some 5 meters of its length.  The St. Johannes was undamaged and there were no injuries. 

Rauli N

Rauli N

Rauli N

On April 21, the 175 meter long, 27348 dwt bulk carrier Rauli N allided with the large southern lock of the Kiel Canal at Brunsbüttel, Germany.  The Rauli N was headed for Bremen when its port stern struck the side of the lock wall.  The vessel hit with enough force to cause part of the masonry to collapse and fall into the lock. The Rauli N sustained hull damage including several large dents and a hull breach above the waterline. The water police allowed the Rauli N to continue on to Bremen where investigations into the incident will continued. Traffic on the lock was halted until response team can arrive on scene and begin repair work.




On November 17, the 87 meter long, 2942 dwt cargo vessel Carina allided with the lock wall on the Kiel Canal at Brunsbüttel, Germany. Strong winds caused the vessel’s starboard bow to strike the lock while its stern hit the opposite wall.  No reports of injuries or pollution released. The lock only sustained minor damage. The Carina was able to continue on its voyage to Moerdijk on the following day.