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Tag: Bulk carrier

Algoma Discovery

Algoma Discovery

The 222 meter long, 34752 dwt bulk freighter Algoma Discovery caught fire while docked at Hamilton, Ontario.  The fire started with the electrical in a service tunnel.   Firefighters were unable to get to the fire so they the flooded the tunnel extinguishing the blaze.  No reports of injuries or pollution being released.


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Samjohn Liberty

Samjohn Liberty

The 225 meter long, 74761 dwt bulk freighter Samjohn Liberty ran aground on the Parana River near the 290 kilometer mark.   The vessel departed Rosario, Argentina with 48,000 tons of soybeans when it ran aground in the channel.   Two tugs have attempted to refloat the freighter while river traffic has been halted.   No reports of injuries or pollution released.  The water level was the cause of the grounding.   The Parana River is lower due to the severe drought earlier in the year.

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Vale Beijing Update

Vale Beijing Update

The massive ore-carrier Vale Beijing was reported to be towed to Fortaleza, Brazil for repairs.   The vessel is to be anchored in water clearer to allow divers to make repairs to the hull.   The latest report states the hull has suffered multiple large cracks in the outer hull which allowed water ingress into the cargo hold.  Brazilian authorities have requested the owners to have the fuel removed from the vessel to prevent any oil pollution being released.   No details have been released to the cause of the cracks in the ballast tanks at this time.   A recent report states the design of the Vale Beijing was altered from the other massive Valemax ore carriers constructed at other shipyards.   The report did not state if this change may have weaken the vessel’s structural integrity, but it may be a factor.    The owners of the Vale Beijing, STX Pan Ocean Co. stated the vessel would be repaired and be placed back into service.

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