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Tag: Cargo Vessel

Lu Di 67

Lu Di 67

Li Dian 2

The 55 meter long coaster cargo vessel Lu Di 67 collided with the 190 meter, 56928 dwt bulk carrier Li Dian 2 in the Waigaoqiao Channel, Shanghai, China. The Lu Di 67 was struck by the Li Dian 2 resulting in hull breach and uncontrolled water ingress. The crew quickly abandoned ship into the canal before the Lu Di 67 sank. Seven crew were later rescued from the water by patrol boats. One crewman was reported as missing. Authorities report some pollution was seen near the incident site.

African Wind

African Wind

African Wind

The 166 meter long cargo vessel African Wind became disabled off Flushing, Netherlands. The African Wind was headed for Antwerp coming from La Rochelle when it suffered engine failure. Tugs were dispatched to the scene to assist. An hour later, the crew was able to restore power and continue on with its voyage. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.

Wilson Tyne

Wilson Tyne

Wilson Tyne

The 110 meter long, 7107 dwt cargo vessel Wilson Tyne allided with the lock wall in the Kiel Canal at Brunsbüttel, Germany. The cargo vessel was blown into the lock wall by a strong gust of wind causing on slight damage to the lock. The Wilson Tyne was proceeded along the canal to Rendsburg where it proceeded to a shipyard for repairs. Damage to the Wilson Tyne was not reported, but authorities stated the vessel had to be detained. No reports of injuries.