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Tag: China

Xin Yang

Xin Yang

Xin Yang

The 56 meter long cargo vessel Xin Yang ran ashore on Dangan Island near Hong Kong, China. The Xin Yang was headed to Taiwan from Hong Kong with a cargo of foodstuffs when it was driven ashore by strong winds with waves reaching 4 meters high. The six crew on board the Xin Yang found the vessel resting below the cliffs on the shore. Authories dropped a rope and were able to pull all six crew to safety. No reports of injuries. The Xin Yang sustained hull damage with water ingress. Authorities have launched an emergency plan and are monitoring the vessel.

Hua Chun 19

Hua Chun 19

Hua Chun 19

The 90 meter long cargo vessel Hua Chun 19 capsized and sank in the Yellow Sea off Qingdao, China. The Hua Chun 19 had departed from Qingdao with 4000 tons of steel bound for Guangdong.  Some 70 miles from Qingdao, the vessel suffered a cargo shift causing the vessel to capsize and sink in just a few minutes.  Authorities launched a search and rescue operation and pulled 5 survivors from the water. All had suffered hypothermia and were taken to hospital. Authorities also pulled 2 bodies of crewmen who had drowned. Four additional men were still reported missing.  An oil sheen was spotted near the sinking.  Authorities dispatched a pollution control vessel to the scene.

Ning Lian Hai 987

Ning Lian Hai 987

Ning Lian Hai 987

The 109 meter long cargo vessel Ning Lian Hai 987 sank on the Yangtze River near Wuhan, China. The Ning Lian Hai 987 was en route to Shanghai from Yueyang with 7000 tons of sand when it struck a reef. The impact tore the hull open and allowed water ingress.  The three crew on board were rescued by authorities.  A crane barge was later dispatched to salvage the vessel. Authorities have launched an investigation.