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Tag: Danube

Viking Var

Viking Var


The 135 meter long passenger ship Viking Var became disabled on the Danube River at Passau, Germany. The Viking Var had run into driftwood while running downstream which became entangled in the propeller.  The passenger ship went adrift and ran over a buoy.  The crew was able to control the vessel with the bow thruster and berth the vessel.  No reports of injuries or pollution released. Reports state the buoy was damaged.




The 141 meter long self-propelled barge Dyna allided with a bridge on the Danube at Deggendorf, Germany. The Dyna had suffered engine failure and went adrift as it passed under the bridge. The strong currents caused the barge to strike the bridge and drift until it rested against a pylon. The crew was able to restart the engine, but was unable to free itself. A towing vessel was requested to pull the barge free. No reports of injuries. The bridge sustained damage, but did not suffered any structural damage. The Dyna was en route from Deggendorf to Regensburg.


Sveti Ilia

Sveti Ilia

Sveti Ilia

The 90 meter long self-propelled barge Sveti Ilia ran aground on the Danube near Winzer, Germany. The Sveti Ilia was en route to Straubing from Hungary with 1000 tons of soybeans. When the Sveti stopped to allow other vessels to pass, the bow became stuck along the riverbank.  The vessel was able to free itself the following day.  No reports of injuries to the three crew on board, damage or pollution released. The Sveti Ilia proceeded to Deggendorf under its own power.