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Tag: Denmark

Ivan Shchepetov

Ivan Shchepetov


The 102 meter long, 3168 dwt freighter Ivan Shchepetov went aground in the Kattegat off the coast of Denmark.   No reports of injuries or pollution released.  Reports state the Ivan Shchepetov was hard aground and that divers were requested to make a survey.   Authorities later stated that a survey was completed and a salvage plan was submitted.

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The 88 meter long, 3782 dwt freighter Isartal went aground near Copenhagen, Denmark.   The Isartal had departed from Copenhagen when it suffered a power failure and went adrift before going aground.   No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.   The Isartal was able to be refloated a few hours later and proceeded to a quay for inspection.   A survey showed no damage and the freighter was allowed to proceed on its voyage.

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CSK Glory

CSK Glory


The 289 meter long, 173044 dwt bulk freighter CSK Glory suffered an explosion near Fynshav, Denmark.  The CSK Glory was proceeding in ballast from Apenrade to Kalundborg when it suffered an explosion in its engine room.   The explosion damaged the engine leaving the CSK Glory adrift.   Tugs were requested and took the CSK Glory under tow.  The vessels proceeded to Kongensgade where the CSK Glory will be taken into a shipyard for repairs.  No reports of pollution released.

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