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Tag: Denmark

Aeroeskoebing Aground

Aeroeskoebing Aground

The 50 meter long, 204 dwt passenger vessel Aeroeskoebing went aground on a sandbank between Svendborg and Ærøskøbing, Denmark.  The passenger ship was stuck for 18 hours until the tide returned allowing it to refloat itself free.  No reports of injuries to the crew or the 148 passengers on board.   The Aeroeskoebing was able to proceed to Ærøskøbing, Denmark under its own power.  No reports of damage or pollution being released.

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Bad Luck Frank

Bad Luck Frank

The 90 meter long, 3500 dwt freighter Frank W went aground in the Mariager Fjord, Denmark.  The Frank W was departing Mariager for a voyage to Sweden with 3600 tons of salt when the vessel got pulled by the current and went aground.  Authorities have dispatched inspectors to survey for damage while the anti-pollution vessel Mette Miljo has anchored nearby.  Reports state there is no signs of pollution at the scene, but salvage will not begin until the survey is completed.   No reports of injuries.   The Frank W has suffered three incidents in 2011.

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Fenja Aground

Fenja Aground

The 73 meter long, 751 gt ferry Fenja went aground near Esbjerg, Denmark.  The Fenja had just departed Esbjerg heading for Fano in a dense fog when it went aground on a sandbank.  Passengers were transferred safely to a sister ferry Menja.  The Fenja was able to be refloated on the next high tide and proceeded back to Esbjerg to be inspected.  No reports of injuries or pollution being released.

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