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Tag: Denmark

Collision off Thyborøn

Collision off Thyborøn

The 48170 dwt freighter Golden Trader collided with the fishing trawler Vidar off the coast of Thyborøn, Denmark.  The Vidar punctured the side of the hull of the Golden Trader allowing some oil to spill into the sea.   The Vidar suffered only minor damage.   One crewman of the six on board the Vidar was injured in the collision.   All of the 22 crew on the Golden Trader were uninjured.   Several lifeboats and two cutters proceeded to the scene.   The Vidar was escorted back to Thyborøn while the Golden Trader was being monitored.   The cause of the collision has not been reported, but initial reports states the weather was clear.

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Ennio Marnix

Ennio Marnix


The 4550 dwt freighter Ennio Marnix went aground in the Lillebaelt off Nordals, Denmark.  The freighter is firmly aground and unable to free itself under its own power.   The Ennio Marnix has 4200 metric tons of fertilizer from Holland bound for Aabenraa, Denmark.   Reports state the owners have made arrangements with salvagers.   No reports of injuries or pollution being released.

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Navios Sagittarius Aground

Navios Sagittarius Aground

The 75,756 dwt bulk freighter Navios Sagittarius went aground off the coast of Læsø, Denmark.   The Navios was underway to Skagen Red for refueling before continuing to its final destination of Singapore.   Reports state there was no signs of pollution being released.   At the time of the report, owners were still investigating how the vessel can be safely pulled freed and taken to a shipyard for further inspection.  No reports of injuries.

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