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Tag: Denmark

Nedland Aground

Nedland Aground


The 3004 dwt coaster freighter Nedland went aground off Gronsund, Demark.  The Nedland had left Landskrona and was bound for Norrkoping, Sweden, before going aground.   The Nedland was later refloated and was diverted to Korsor, Denmark to be inspected.  Reports state there was no water ingress and no pollution released.  Danish authorities are investingating the cause of the grounding.

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Freighter Vinga collides with fishing vessel

Freighter Vinga collides with fishing vessel

The freighter Vinga collided with the fishing vessel N. A. Hansen on the Kattegat off the coast of Grenaa, Denmark. The N. A. Hansen sank quickly sending its father and son crew into the water. The two men were in one degree water for an hour before being rescued. Both men were later taken to hospital, but both died later from hypothermia. The Vinga had damage to its bow including a hole above the waterline. The Vinga arrived at Korsor, Denmark for inspection and repair work. Reports states authorities are conducting an inquiry into the incident.

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