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Tag: Emden




The 94 meter long, 463 dwt ro-ro passenger ferry Ostfriesland allided with a loading bridge in the port of Emden, Germany. The Ostfriesland had arrived from Borkum when it was struck by strong winds doing a maneuver. The wind gusts were strong enough to cause the Ostfriesland to veer off course and strike the bridge.

Two bollards fixed to the bridge were torn off, but the ro-ro ferry only sustained slight damage. No reports of injuries or pollution released. Reports state the loading bridge was no longer functional. The water police has launched an investigation into the incident.

Trade Navigator

Trade Navigator

Trade Navigator

The 118 meter long, 8200 dwt cargo vessel Trade Navigator allided with the lock while departing from Emden, Germany. The Trade Navigator had struck the deflector rail with its accommodation block which then ripped out a large chunk of the masonry including the light signaling system mounted on top. The cargo vessel sustained minimal damage and there were no injuries. Lock operations had to be halted until the system could be removed and the lock could be surveyed. Reports state the Trade Navigator was not detained and allowed to continue on its voyage. The water police in Emden has launched an investigation into the incident.

Emden Sea Lock



The 110 meter long self-propelled barge Lorena suffered a fire on the Ems River while berthed at Emden, Germany. The Lorena was moored at the power plant when a fire started in the cargo hold containing 1000 tons of wood pellets.  The crew requested assistance from the local fire brigade.  A crane was used to remove some of the cargo and place it on the pier where fire fighters doused it with water.  For several hours, the fire fighting efforts kept the cargo wet until the smoldering fire could be extinguished.  No reports of injuries.  Reports state the crew later pumped the water out of the hold the following day.