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Tag: England

Mungo Sideways

Mungo Sideways

The 60 meter long, 1020 dwt freighter Mungo went aground at the entrance of the harbour of Littlehampton, England.  The coastal freighter loaded with gravel had two pilots on board when it suffered most likely a steering failure causing it to run aground.  The Shoreham RNLI responded to the scene along with a local tug.  The Mungo will be refloated with the next high tide.   No reports of injuries or pollution being released.

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Clipper Aground

Clipper Aground


The 131 foot (40 meter) clipper (Schoeneraak) De Tukker went aground while attempting to enter Amble Harbour, United Kingdom.   Reports state the crew didn’t realize it was at low tide and didn’t have enough clearance over the sandbank.   No one was injured.   The RNLI was able to pull the De Tukker into deeper water.   The De Tukker is a training vessel used in a program to help trouble youth.

Program website:


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Francesca Prior Fire

Francesca Prior Fire

The 29 meter long freighter Francesca Prior was off Higham, England when a fire broke out in the accomodation area of the vessel.   The two crewmen on board contacted the Gravesend RNLI lifeboat for assistance.   The vessel’s wheelhouse became filled with black smoke while the weather worsen into a very heavy squall with force 7 winds.   The crew had attempted to fight the fire using the fire extinguishers and the fire hose, but had to close off the area due to the smoke. The RNLI lifeboat was able to reach the vessel quickly and was able to clear the smoke out of the wheelhouse.   The vessels then proceeded to Denton Wharf where Kent fire service was waiting to assist.   The fire service was able to extinguish the fire .   Initial reports state the fire may have been caused by bad lagging around the engine exhaust system near the accommodation area.

View a video of the rescue by the Gravesend RNLI

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