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Tag: England

F/V Rowella Sinks

F/V Rowella Sinks

The 11 meter long fishing vesssel Rowella sank off the coast of Lulworth Cove, England.  The two men on board the Rowella were setting pots when they noticed that the fishing vessel was taking on water.  They sent out a mayday and went to the life raft.  Within five minutes the Rowella was waterlogged with the water reaching  the upper deck.   Portland Coast Guard responded sending out a helicopter while the Weymouth sent out their RNLI lifeboat.  Nearby vessels hearing the distress call also raced towards the Rowella.  The helicopter was first on the scene and winched up the 2 men to safety.   Two nearby fishing boats also reached the Rowella and tried bailing out the fishing vessel.   Unable to pump out the water, the Rowella was taken under tow by the Weymouth lifeboat who tried to tow the vessel back to port.  However, the vessel was too waterlogged and soon capsized.

View video of the rescue on You Tube

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Arco Dee Allides at Littlehampton

Arco Dee Allides at Littlehampton

The 225-foot long, 1309 dwt motor vessel Arco Dee allided with the harbour walls at Littlehampton, England.   The vessel had been blown off course by strong winds as it entered the harbour causing it to strike the harbour walls.   Both the Arco Dee and concrete wall suffered minor damage.  No one was injured.   The Arco Dee was entering the harbour for routine maintenance.  Officals stated that limits were placed for entry to the harbour in weather with strong winds especially those who are sailing in ballast only.

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Fire Aboard the Cembay

Fire Aboard the Cembay

The 89 meter long, 4477 dwt freighter Cembay had a fire on deck while unloading cargo at Chatham Docks, England.  The fire was started by a broken fuel line of a generator being used to pump cement off the vessel.   This spread to a fuel container on top of the deck of the Cembay.  The crew initially attempted to put out the fire themselves, but it required thirty local firefighters to extinguish the blaze.   The firefighters were able to isolate the fuel and douse the flames using a special foam.    Damage to the vessel was not reported, but the Cembay left Chatham bound for Le Havre.  No one was reported injured.

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