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Tag: Explosion

Jennifer C Explosion

Jennifer C Explosion

The 65 foot fishing vessel Jennifer C suffered an explosion and fire while fishing in the Gulf of Mexico off Port Mansfield, TexasThe Coast Guard was alerted by an emergency beacon and dispatched an aircraft to the scene.  The aircraft spotted the vessel as the crew fired flares into the air.  The aircraft was able to drop a portable marine band radio to the crew on the Jennifer C.   The crew of 4 reported they were uninjured and were able to extinguish the fire.  However, the Jennifer C was disabled and had water ingress in the bilge.   The Coast Guard dispatched vessels to the scene.   Luckily, the Jennifer C was taken under tow by another fishing vessel until a Coast Guard cutter arrived.   No details reported to the cause of the explosion.

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Chemical Explosion

Chemical Explosion

The 4000 dwt tanker Clipper Sund suffered a chemical explosion while moored at a quay at Antwerp, Belgium.    The explosion was caused by three chemicals leaked out.   They came into contact  which caused a chain reaction and resulting explosion and fire.   One crewman suffered severe injuries and later died in hospital.   The explosion occurred on the deck of the tanker limiting the damage to the vessel.   A hazardous materials team is assisting in cleanup.

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Mar Cristina Explosion

Mar Cristina Explosion

The 114 meter long, 6802 dwt tanker Mar Cristina suffered an explosion while moored at Sandefjord, Norway.   The explosion occurred in the forward section of the tanker while it was loading a cargo of sludge.   The Mar Cristina suffered damage to it’s deck and hull.   No reports of injuries, but one crewman was taken to hospital to be checked out.   An investigation into the cause of the explosion is being conducted.

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