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Tag: Fesco Vladimir

Bremerhaven Collision

Bremerhaven Collision

The 101 meter long, 5541 dwt container ship Pioneer Bay allided with the 184 meter long, 23000 dwt container ship Fesco Vladimir on the Weser River at Bremerhaven, Germany.   The Pioneer bay attempted to turn around so it could berth at the quay.  However, there was a strong ebb current and the Pioneer Bay struck the stern of the moored Fesco Vladimir.   The Pioneer Bay suffered a crack in the hull above the waterline.   No reports of injuries or pollution being released from either vessel.  The water police has detained both vessels for inspections and is conducting an investigation into the incident.

 Correction: Thanks to Tim S. for finding out that the vessel struck was the 134 meter long, 11386 dwt container ship Aurora not the Fesco Vladimir.

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