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Tag: Fishing Boat

Coral Strand

Coral Strand

Coral Strand

The 15 meter long fishing vessel Coral Strand went aground in the fog off Garrylough, Ireland.   The wooden hull vessel had struck the rocks and quickly filled with water.  The crew sent out a distress call before the four men abandoned ship into the liferaft.  The crew of the Coral Strand were rescued a short time later by the trawler Boy River.  No injuries were reported.  The RNLI lifeboat from Dunmore East arrived on scene and transferred the Coral Strand crew off the Boy River.   The lifeboat assessed the Coral Strand’s status and determined the vessel had sustained too much damage to attempt to pump-out and refloat the vessel.  The Irish Coastguard reported later that the salvage was not possible and the Coral Strand was left to breakup on the rocks.   Some pollution and debris would be released in the area.


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Zhuhai Collision

Zhuhai Collision


The 76 meter long costal freighter Bo Yun 018 collided in dense fog with the 186 meter long, 15068 dwt car carrier Dream Diva in the Pearl River Delta near Zhuhai City, China. The Bo Yun 018 quickly sank after the collision.  The Dream Diva suffered damage to its fuel tank releasing fuel into the water.  Two of the 10 crew on board the Bo Yun 018 were rescued.  No reports of injuries on the Dream Diva. Authorities have dispatched several ships to search for the eight missing crewmen.   Crews have been dispatched to handle the fuel spill and clean up efforts.

The dense fog has caused 3 vessels to be lost.  A fishing vessel sent aground near Guangzhou while another near Naozhou Island stranded and nearly sank before rescuers reached the 11 fishermen on board.

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Fishing Vessel capsizes

Fishing Vessel capsizes

A fishing boat capsized in the Yellow Sea off the coast of Gunsan, South Korea. The vessel was illegally fishing when approached by the South Korean Coast Guard. The fishing vessel had rammed the larger Coast Guard vessel allowing other fishing boats to escape. Reports stated 7 crew were rescued with 3 lost.

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