The 128 meter long, 1616 dwt ro-ro passenger ferry Vitsentzos Komaros became disabled off Rhodes, Greece. The ferry had departed from Rhodes when one of its main engines failed. Unable to restart the engine, the Vitsentzos Komaros returned back to port at reduced speed. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.
The 180 meter long, 34613 dwt cargo vessel Cabrera ran aground and sank in the Aegean Sea off the northern coast of Andros Island, Greece. The Cabrera was headed to Tornio, Finland from Larimna with a cargo of 3400 tons of ferronickle in bad weather. When off Andros Island, the strong winds reaching 40 mph caused the cargo vessel to go hard aground along the rocky shoreline.
The Cabrera sustained multiple hull breaches and uncontrolled water ingress. The flooding caused the Cabrera do develop a severe list before it sank with just part of the superstructure above water. The crew alerted the Greek Coast Guard who dispatched a helicopter to the scene. All 9 crew on board were safely hoisted to safety and later taken to hospital. No reports of injuries.
Authorities have stated the cause of the grounding was due to the severe weather while other reports state the grounding was due to a navigation error. The Cabrera had some 20 tons of fuel on board at the time of the incident.
The 366 meter long, 147443 dwt container ship Millau Bridge became disabled off Antimilos Island, Greece. The Millau Bridge was headed to Port Said from Piraeus when it suffered engine failure off the island. The crew was unable to restore power and requested assistance. Three tugs arrived on scene and towed the Millau Bridge back to Piraeus. No reports of injuries to the 23 crew, damage or pollution released.