Hercules 265

The Hercules 265 jack-up rig caught fire in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana. The rig had recently been preparing the well for production when natural gas came flowing out of the well. The natural gas caught fire a short time later developing into a large blaze. The Hercules 265 suffered significant damage as the fire caused part of the rig to collapse. The beams supporting the derrick and drilling rig floor have fallen over the rig structure. The fire extinguished after sediment and sand clogged the well. No reports of injuries on board as the 44 crew on board had escaped to the rig’s lifeboats when the natural gas began to spewing from the well. Photos of the area show that pollution had been released, but no reports on efforts to contain or clean-up the slick. The Coast Guard has launched an investigation into the incident.
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- Hercules Jack-Up Rig Catches Fire Following Loss of Well Control (gcaptain.com)
- Experts: Gas in Gulf blowout is less damaging (sfgate.com)
- 47 rescued from Gulf rig after natural gas blowout (fuelfix.com)