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Tug disabled off Puducherry

Tug disabled off Puducherry


A tug was found stranded off the coast of Puducherry, India.  The tug was en route to Chennai from Karaikal with 12 crew when it suffered a mechanical breakdown with its main engine. The vessel went adrift and the crew dropped anchor off the coast. Authorities have arrived on the scene and are monitoring the situation. Reports state the tug was typically employed in assisting vessels entering Chennai harbor and will proceed to there after its engine is repaired. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.

INS Sindhughosh

INS Sindhughosh

INS Sindhughosh
Photo: wikipedia

On the night of February 19, the 238 foot long Indian Navy Submarine Sindhughosh collided with a fishing boat off the coast of Mumbai, India. The INS Sindhughosh was involved in an exercise where the submarine was submerged in pitch black conditions.  With its periscope up, the INS Sindhughosh was struck by a passing fishing vessel. No reports of injuries. The periscope sustained slight damage and the INS Sindhughosh returned to Mumbai for repairs.  No details reported on damage to the fishing vessel.




The 37 meter long, 405 dwt general cargo vessel Minnath became disabled near Vizhinjam, India. The Minnath had departed from Vizhinjam with 196 tons of perishable cargo of fruit and vegetables bound for Male when it suffered a leak. The crew had noticed water ingress in the engine room through two cracks in the hull. The vessel turned around and headed back towards Vizhinjam.  Just a few miles from Vizhinjam, the main engine stalled and the engine room began to flood.  As the vessel slowly sank, the crew requested assistance.  The Indian Coast Guard responded and reached the scene with a rescue boat with two local divers. The divers were able to apply temporary patches to stop the flooding.  A tug was requested to help tow the Minnath into port. No reports of injuries. Authorities stated the vessel had a sea worthiness document and would launch an investigation into the incident.