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Tag: Istanbul



Photo: KEGM

On March 19, the 94.5 meter long, 4237 dwt cargo vessel Bers (IMO: 9044188) became disabled on the Bosphorus near Istanbul, Turkey. The Bers was en route from Iskenderun to Constanta when it suffered engine failure and went adrift. Authorities dispatched the tugboat Kurtarma 11 to assist. The tug took the Bers under tow and proceeded and to Ahırkapı where the cargo vessel dropped anchor. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.



Photo: KEGM

On January 7, the 34 meter long tanker/fuel barge Nil (MMSI: 271010447) became disabled on the Sea of Marmara off Yenikapı, Istanbul. The Nil was conducting a refuel operation when it suffered engine failure. The KEGM dispatched a rescue boat and two tugboats, the 37 meter long, 472 gt Kurtarma-6 (IMO: 9463176) and the 272 gt Mehmetçik (IMO: 9816268) to assist. The Nil would safely dock at Zeyport supported by the two tugs. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.

Photo: KEGM
Istanbul Collision

Istanbul Collision

Marla Orca

On November 21, the 100 meter long, 7748 dwt cargo vessel Marla Orca (IMO: 9217802) collided with the 116 meter long, 3329 dwt cargo vessel DSK1 (IMO: 8721442) in the Sea of Marmara off Kartal, Istanbul, Turkey. The Marla Orca was anchored off Kartal when strong winds caused its anchor to drag causing it to strike the nearby anchored DSK1.

The collision resulted in visible damage to both cargo vessels.  The vessels will be further inspected to ensure seaworthiness. However, there were no reports of injuries or pollution released. Both vessels were able to maneuver to more secure anchorage. Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident.