ITT Puma

On August 25, the 72 meter long, 2156 dwt cargo vessel ITT Puma (IMO: 8116128) sank in Bay of Bengal some 90 nautical miles south off Sagar Island, India. The ITT Puma departed from Kolkata on August 24 partially loaded with general cargo bound for Port Blair. During the night of August 25, the ITT Puma lost stability and capsized in bad weather before it finally sank.
Indian authorities received a distress signal from the ITT Puma. The Indian Coast Guard dispatched a helicopter along with the rescue vessels Amogh and Sarang. The Coast Guard was able to locate 11 survivors after they had fired red flares from the life raft. The crew received medical treatment and transported to Paradip. Three crewmen were reported missing.
The Indian Coast Guard is monitoring the location where the ITT Puma sank. There was some concern that pollution may be released from the fuel tanks.