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Tag: Marami

Mutliple Aground at Cagayan, Philippines

Mutliple Aground at Cagayan, Philippines

Map of the Philippines with Cagayan highlighted
Image via Wikipedia


Two tugs, 44.69 gt C-West and 54.09 gt Full Speed, grounded near Sanchez Mira, Cagayan,Philippines.  The C-West was towing the barge Marami while the tug Full Speed was towing the barge Serenity.  The convoy of vessels encountered heavy swells which pushed the vessels uncontrollably towards the coast.   All the crewmen from both tugs and barges escaped safely.   No reports of any of the total 11 men on board were injured.  The vessels left Port Irene, Cagayan and were headed to Mariveles, Bataan.   An environmental response team has been sent out.

Link to Philippine Coast Guard


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