Team Vestas Wind

The 66 foot long, one-design Volvo Ocean 65 sailboat Team Vestas Wind ran aground in the Indian Ocean on Cargados Carajos Shoals, Mauritius. The vessel had struck the shoal at 15 knots destroying both rudders and causing water ingress into the stern. The nine crew on board abandoned ship and found shelter on a dry section of the reef. The men were later recovered a few hours later by a small coast guard rescue vessel. The men were taken to the islet Íle du Sud, also known as St. Brandon, where they will be able to take a ferry to Mauritius. The Team Vestas Wind had been sailing seven weeks into a nine-month offshore race covering some 38,739 miles. No reports of injuries. Reports state the owners of the 6 million dollar vessel may see if salvage is possible, but it is more likely a total loss.