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Tag: Mexico

Leigh River

Leigh River

Leigh River

On March 13, the 50 meter long, 581 gt supply vessel Leigh River sank in the Gulf of Mexico some 55 miles off Veracruz, Mexico. The vessel had sprung a leak in the engine room which overwhelmed the Leigh River’s pumps. Unable to control the flooding, the crew sent out a distress call.  Authorities dispatched a helicopter to the scene while the 190 meter long bulk carrier Sredna Gora diverted to the scene. The helicopter arrived to find all eight crew of the Leigh River safely abandon ship and transfer over to the Sredna Gora.  No reports of injuries.

Reports state the Leigh River later sank. No further details reported.

Caballo Eclipse

Caballo Eclipse

Caballo Eclipse

On January 27, the 77 meter long supply vessel Caballo Eclipse capsized and sank off Carmelite Island, Mexico. The unmanned Caballo Eclipse had been at anchor off the coast since 2017 when storm waves caused hull failure. A meter long crack on the port hull allowed uncontrolled water ingress into the vessel. The Caballo Eclipse partially filled with water before it capsized and partially sank with the hull resting on the bottom. No reports of injuries.

Reports state some diesel fuel had been released, but no details to the quantity of pollution was provided. Authorities did not state if any salvage or scrapping will be done to the vessel. The Caballo Eclipse had been considered abandoned since 2017 when her owners suffered financial problems.




On September 25, the 176 meter long, 40263 dwt tanker Burgos caught fire in the Gulf of Mexico off Veracruz, Mexico. The Burgos was headed to Veracruz from Parjaritus Coatzacoalcos, Mexico with 12,000 tons of oil when fire erupted from the two forward cargo tanks. The tanker requested assistance with multiple fireboats, tugboats and vessels from the Mexican Navy were dispatched to the scene. The 30 crew on the Burgos were evacuated while the vessels engaged in firefighting. No reports of injuries.

Reports state fire fighting continued for multiple days before the fire was contained and finally extinguished. Reports state the Burgos sustained some hull damage and some small amount of oil pollution has been spotted in the area around the vessel. The Burgos also has developed a significant list to port while anchored off Veracruz.